- Álvarez de la Fuente, E., S. Álvarez Álvarez y G. Faya Ornia (eds.). 2020. E-Aesla. Revista Digital de Lingüística Aplicada 6. Centro virtual Cervantes.
- Mujcinovic, S. y E. Gómez Garzarán (eds.). 2019. Formal and Methodological Approaches to Applied Linguistics. Languages 4 (4).
- Liceras, J.M. y R. Fernández Fuertes (eds.). 2018. Languages Special Issues: Romance Languages at the Forefront of Language Acquisition Research, vol. 1 and vol. 2.
- Fuertes-Olivera, P., E. Álvarez de la Fuente, R. Fernández-Fuertes, P. Garcés García, B. López Arroyo, M. Niño Amo, I. Pizarro Sánchez, A. Sáez-Hidalgo, M.Á. Sastre-Ruano y M. Velasco-Sacristán (eds.). 2015. Current Work in Corpus Linguistics: Working with Traditionally-conceived Corpora and Beyond. Selected Papers from the 7th International Conference on Corpus Linguistics (CILC2015). Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences. Elsevier.
Mujcinovic, S. y R. Fernández Fuertes (aceptado). Crosslinguistic influence and language similarity: the oral production of sentential subjects in child L2 English. Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada/Spanish Journal of Applied Linguistics.
Fernández Fuertes, R., T. Gómez Carrero, y J.M. Liceras. 2025. Activation and local inhibition in the bilingual child’s processing of codeswitching. Second Language Research 41 (1): 163-190.
Mañas Navarrete, I., E. Rosado Villegas, S. Mujcinovic y N. Fullana Rivera. 2024 (online). Acquisition of modal readings of the Imperfect tense in L2 Spanish. Language Acquisition.
Álvarez de la Fuente, E. y R. Fernández Fuertes. 2024 (online). Characterizing natural interpreters’ attitudes towards natural interpreting: The effect of experimental contexts. Lingua 298.
Gómez Carrero, T. y A. Ogneva. 2024. Who does it better? The acquisition of Spanish grammatical gender by L1 English and L1 Russian adults. Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada/Spanish Journal of Applied Linguistics.
Sánchez Calderón, S. y R. Fernández Fuertes. 2023. Are there biological gender differences at the early stages of first language acquisition when producing double object constructions and to/for-datives? Onomázein 61: 21-43.
Fernández Fuertes, R., E. Gómez Garzarán, S. Mujcinovic y I. Mañas Navarrete. 2022. When teaching works and time helps: Noun modification in L2 English school children. Open Linguistics 8 (1): 475-495.
Sánchez Calderón, S. y R. Fernández Fuertes. 2022. The acquisition of English active and passive mono transitive constructions by English-Spanish simultaneous bilingual children. International Journal of Bilingualism 26 (4): 502-526.
Fernández Fuertes, R. y S. Sánchez Calderón. 2021. The syntactic status of English dative alternation structures in bilingual and in monolingual acquisition data. Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism 11 (6): 817-845.
Gómez Garzarán, E. y R. Fernández Fuertes. 2020. Is explicit instruction effective? The learning of English noun-noun and adjective-noun structures by L1 Spanish school children. Culture and Education 32 (2): 299-339.
Sánchez Calderón, S. y R. Fernández Fuertes. 2020. Bilingual and monolingual children’s acquisition of Spanish dative alternation structures: order of acquisition and adult input effects. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 23 (4): 347-367.
Fernández Fuertes, R., T. Gómez Carrero y A. Martínez. 2019. Where the eye takes you: the processing of gender in codeswitching. RAEL. Revista Electrónica de Lingüística Aplicada 18 (1): 1-17.
Martínez, A. 2019. Language and math: what if we have two separate naming systems? Languages 4 (3): 68.
Álvarez de la Fuente, E., R. Fernández Fuertes y Ó. Arratia García. 2019. Bilingual children as interpreters in everyday life: how natural interpreting reinforces minority languages. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 40 (4): 338-355.
Kaan, E., C. Futch, R. Fernández Fuertes, S. Mujcinovic y E. Álvarez de la Fuente. 2019. Adaptation to syntactic structures in native and second-language sentence comprehension. Applied Psycholinguistics 40 (1): 3-27.
Liceras, J.M. y R. Fernández Fuertes. 2019. Subject omission/production in child bilingual English and child bilingual Spanish: the view from linguistic theory. Probus 31 (2): 245-278.
Sánchez Calderón, S. y R. Fernández Fuertes. 2018. Which came first: the chicken or the egg? Ditransitive and passive constructions in the English production of simultaneous bilingual English children. ATLANTIS 40 (1): 39-58.
Fernández Fuertes, R. y E. Álvarez de la Fuente. 2017. The acquisition of Spanish and English as two first languages through the analysis of natural interpreting in bilingual children. Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada/Spanish Journal of Applied Linguistics 30 (1): 142-165.
Yuan, Q. y R. Fernández Fuertes. 2016. An analysis of interlinguistic influence from Chinese into English in direct object realization in Chinese-English bilingual children. ES. Revista de Filología Inglesa 37: 33-55.
Sánchez Calderón, S. y R. Fernández Fuertes. 2016. Dativizable or non-dativizable: that is the question? A syntactic-semantic analysis of English (non)-dativizable constructions in the production of a set of 2L1 English/Spanish simultaneous bilingual twins. Xjenza 4 (1): 44-57.
Álvarez de la Fuente, E. y R. Fernández Fuertes. 2015. Translation universals in the oral production of bilingual children. Translation and Translanguaging in Multilingual Contexts 1 (1): 49-79.
Mujcinovic, S. 2015. The analysis of subjects in the oral and written production of L2 English learners: Transfer and language typology. Procedia – Social and Behavioural Sciences 128: 344-349.
Liceras, J.M., R. Fernández Fuertes y A. Alba de la Fuente. 2012. Subject and copula omission in the English grammar of English-Spanish bilinguals: on the issue of directionality of interlinguistic influence. First Language 32 (1-2): 88-115.
Fernández Fuertes, R. y J.M. Liceras. 2010. Copula omission in the English developing grammar of English/Spanish bilingual children. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 13 (5): 525-551.
Desrochers, A., J.M. Liceras, R. Fernández-Fuertes y G.L. Thompson. 2010. Subjective frequency norms for 330 Spanish simple and compound words. Behavior Research Methods 42 (1): 109-117.
Liceras, J.M., R. Fernández Fuertes, S. Perales, R. Pérez-Tattam y K.T. Spradlin. 2008. Gender and gender agreement in bilingual native and non-native grammars: a view from child and adult functional-lexical mixings. Lingua 118 (6): 827-851.
Liceras, J.M., K.T. Spradlin y R. Fernández Fuertes. 2005. Bilingual early functional-lexical mixing and the activation of formal features. International Journal of Bilingualism 9 (2): 227-251.
Mujcinovic, S. 2024. Monolingual and bilingual production of English sentential subjects: the frog story. En Granados Chiguer, I., V. Jiménez Jiménez, J.A. Carretero Bruña, P. Miguel Naranjo y J. Álvarez García (coords.). Innovación en el aula: Nuevas estrategias didácticas en humanidades. Dyckinson S.L.
Fernández Fuertes, R., S. Mujcinovic y Q. Yuan. 2024. How much does the first language weigh in the second language learning of object and verb properties? En Flores Borjabad, S.A., J.A. Nisa Ávila y O.S. Ould García (coords.). Tejiendo palabras: explorando la lengua, la lingüística y el proceso de traducción en la era de la inteligencia artificial. Dyckinson S.L.
Ogneva, A. y T. Gómez Carrero. 2024. Exploring grammatical gender acquisition in L2 Spanish: Difficulties and didactic recommendations. En Montoya-Reyes, A., A. Barsaglini-Castro y E. Sánchez-Barreiro (eds.). A Multidisciplinary Approach to Applied Linguistics and Education: Building Knowledge in Foreign Language Teaching, Translation, Critical Discourse Analysis and Posthumanism. Peter Lang.
Gómez Carrero, T. y A. Ognieva. 2023. Does the ending matter? Revisiting the acquisition of L2 Spanish grammatical gender by gendered and ungendered L1 adults. En Ariño-Bizarro, A., N. López-Cortés y D. Pascual (eds). En torno al lenguaje: aportaciones al estudio lingüístico. Zaragoza: Prensas de la Universidad de Zaragoza.
Liceras, J.M. and R. Fernández Fuertes. 2021. On the nature of crosslinguistic influence: root infinitives revisited. En Avram, L., A. Sevcenco y V. Tomescu (eds.). L1 Acquisition and L2 Learning. John Benjamins.
Fernández Fuertes, R., E. Gómez Garzarán y I. Mañas Navarrete. 2020. Noun-noun compounds in a game task: what child data can tell us about teaching practices. En Planelles, M., A. Foucart y J.M. Liceras (eds.). Current Perspectives in Language Teaching and Learning in Multicultural Contexts. Thomson Reuters Aranzadi.
Stankova, R. y R. Fernández Fuertes. 2020. The acquisition of ser and estar in 2L1 English-Spanish data. En Levey, D. (ed.). Strategies and Analyses of Language and Communication in Multilingual and International Contexts. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Fernández Fuertes, R. y J.M. Liceras. 2018. Bilingualism as a first language: language dominance and crosslinguistic influence. En Cuza, A. y P. Guijarro-Fuentes (eds.). Language Acquisition and Contact in the Iberian Peninsula. De Gruyter.
Salillas. E, y A. Martínez. 2018. Linguistic traces in core numerical knowledge: an approach from bilingualism. En Berch, D.B., D.C. Geary y K.M. Koepke (eds.). Language and Culture in Mathematical Cognition. Academic Press.
Fernández Fuertes, R., E. Álvarez de la Fuente y S. Mujcinovic. 2016. The acquisition of grammatical gender in L1 bilingual Spanish. En Alba de la Fuente, A., E. Valenzuela y C. Martínez Sanz (eds.). Studies in Bilingualism: Language Acquisition Beyond Parameters: Studies in Honour of Juana M. Liceras. John Benjamins.
Liceras, J.M., R. Fernández Fuertes y R. Klassen. 2016. Language dominance and language nativeness: the view from English-Spanish code-switching. En Guzzardo Tamargo, R.E., C.M. Mazak y M.C. Parafita Couto (eds.). Spanish-English Codeswitching in the Caribbean and the US. John Benjamins.
Fernández Fuertes, R., J.M. Liceras y A. Alba de la Fuente. 2016. Beyond the subject DP versus the subject pronoun divide in agreement switches. En Tortora, C., M. den Dikken, I.L. Montoya y T. O’Neill (eds.). Romance Linguistics 2013: Selected Papers from the 43rd Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL). John Benjamins.
Álvarez de la Fuente, E. y R. Raquel Fernández Fuertes. 2012. In search for the initial translator in translation and bilingualism studies. En Jiménez Ivars, A. y M.J. Blasco Mayor (eds.). Interpreting Brian Harris. Recent Developments in Natural Translation and Interpreting Studies. Peter Lang.
Álvarez de la Fuente, E. y R. Raquel Fernández Fuertes. 2012. How two English/Spanish bilingual children translate: in search for bilingual competence through natural interpretation. En Jiménez Ivars, A. y M.J. Blasco Mayor (eds.). Interpreting Brian Harris. Recent Developments in Natural Translation and Interpreting Studies. Peter Lang.
Liceras, J.M., R. Fernández Fuertes, A. Alba de la Fuente, G. Boudreau y E. Acevedo. 2012. Interlinguistic influence in simultaneous bilingualism: core syntax phenomena and lexical transparency. En Ferré, S., P. Prévost, L. Tuller y R. Zebib (eds.). Selected Proceedings of the Romance Turn IV Workshop on the Acquisition of Romance Languages. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Ingram, D., V. Dubasik, J.M. Liceras y R. Fernández Fuertes. 2011. Early phonological acquisition in a set of English-Spanish bilingual twins. En Sanz, C. y R.P. Leow (eds.). Implicit and Explicit Conditions, Processes, and Knowledge in SLA and Bilingualism. Georgetown University Press.
Liceras, J.M., R. Fernández Fuertes, A. Alba de la Fuente y M. Tercedor Sánchez. 2010. Lexically-based interlinguistic influence at the syntax-semantic interface: copula omission in the English Grammar of English-Spanish bilinguals. En Borgonovo, C., M. Español-Echevarría y P. Prévost (eds.). Selected Proceedings of the 12th Hispanic Linguistics Symposium. Cascadilla Proceedings Project.
Fernández Fuertes, R., J.M. Liceras y E. Álvarez de la Fuente. 2008. Linguistic theory and bilingual systems: simultaneous and sequential English/Spanish bilingualism. En Gómez, M., J.L. Mackenzie y E.M. González (eds.). Languages and cultures in contrast and comparison. John Benjamins.
Liceras, J.M., R. Fernández Fuertes y R. Pérez Tattam. 2008. Null and overt subjects in the developing grammars (L1 English/L1 Spanish) of two bilingual twins. En Pérez-Vidal, C., M. Juan Garau y A. Bel (eds.). A portrait of the young in the new multilingual Spain. Multilingual Matters.
Liceras, J.M., C. Martínez, R. Pérez Tattam, S. Perales and R. Fernández Fuertes. 2006. L2 acquisition as a process of creolization: insights from child and adult code-mixing. In Lefebvre, C., L. White and C. Jourdan (eds.). L2 acquisition and Creole genesis. John Benjamins.
Stankova Laykova, R. (2016-en preparación). (PhD Advanced English Studies: Languages in Contact, UVa). Copula and auxiliary verbs in bilingual acquisition: a case study of Bulgarian/Spanish and English/Spanish bilingual children.
Gómez Carrero, T. 2023. (PhD Advanced English Studies: Languages in Contact, UVa). The role of grammatical gender in Spanish-English switched DPs and copula constructions.
Gómez Garzarán, E. 2023. (PhD Advanced English Studies: Languages in Contact, UVa). Instructed second language acquisition and cross-linguistic influence: word order in nominal structures.
Mujcinovic, S. 2020. (PhD Advanced English Studies: Languages in Contact, UVa). English subjects in the linguistic production of L1 Spanish, L1 Bosnian and L1 Danish speakers: typological similarity and transfer.
Sánchez Calderón, S. 2018. (PhD Advanced English Studies: Languages in Contact, UVa). The acquisition of English and Spanish dative alternation structures in the longitudinal spontaneous production of monolingual and bilingual children.
Yuan, Q. 2017. (PhD Advanced English Studies: Languages in Contact, UVa). Crosslinguistic influence in Cantonese-English bilingual children: object production and omission.
Álvarez de la Fuente, E. 2007. (PhD Translation and Interpretation, UVa). Análisis lingüístico de la traducción natural: datos de producción de dos niños gemelos bilingües inglés/español.
Valderrama Rotella, M. 2024. (Máster en Profesor de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Enseñanza de Idiomas Especialidad: Inglés, UVa). The use of L1 in FL classrooms: analyzing advantages and disadvantages.
Arija Alonso, L. 2023. (Máster en Profesor de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Enseñanza de Idiomas Especialidad: Inglés, UVa). The use of L1 in FL classrooms: (dis)advantages.
Fernández Lastras, P. 2023. (Máster en Profesor de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Enseñanza de Idiomas Especialidad: Inglés, UVa). Explicit Instruction: a study on production and interpretation of Noun-Noun and Adjective-Noun construction.
Aguado Contreras, A. 2023. (Máster en Profesor de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Enseñanza de Idiomas Especialidad: Inglés, UVa). How input shapes null subjects: the case of L1 Spanish L2 English high school students.
Madrigal Acero, C. 2022. (Máster en Profesor de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Enseñanza de Idiomas Especialidad: Inglés, UVa). Expletive constructions in L2 English: a study of bilingual and non-bilingual programs.
García Muñoz, C. 2022. (Máster en Profesor de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Enseñanza de Idiomas Especialidad: Inglés, UVa). Correcting Subject-Verb Agreement Errors in Written Production: A Comparison between CLIL and Non-CLIL Contexts.
Blanco Campos, I. 2022. (MA Advanced English Studies: Languages in Contact, UVa). The emergence and production of the English prepositions in and of in 2L1 Spanish/English simultaneous bilingual children.
Halstead, T.L. 2021. (MA English Literature and Linguistics, University of Granada). The acquisition of English past tense forms by monolingual and simultaneous bilingual children.
Carrascal Tris, D. 2020. (MA Advanced English Studies: Languages in Contact, UVa). Acceptability judgments in L2 English object properties: L1 Chinese grammar CLI effects.
Perrino Antúnez, M. 2020. (MA Advanced English Studies: Languages in Contact, UVa). When productivity meets interpretation: The role of semantics on nominal compounds’ production of L1 and L2 English speakers.
Maldonado Cesteros, N. 2019. (MA Advanced English Studies: Languages in Contact, UVa). An empirical study on the acquisition of English prepositional relative clauses by Spanish native speakers.
Arranz Gozalo, C. 2016. (MA Advanced English Studies: Languages in Contact, UVa). The impact of biological gender on the acquisition of wh-movement in a bilingual context.
Stankova Laykova, R. 2016. (MA Advanced English Studies: Languages in Contact, UVa). The acquisition of copula verbs in English/Spanish and Bulgarian/Spanish bilingual children: language contact in early bilingualism.
Gómez Carrero, T. 2015. (MA Advanced English Studies: Languages in Contact, UVa). Un pencil or una pencil? The importance of Spanish gender in switched DPs.
Dobrilova Dimova, V. 2014. (MA Advanced English Studies: Languages in Contact, UVa). The acquisition of English morphological markers in language-contact situations.
Yuan, Q. 2012. (MA Advanced English Studies: Languages in Contact, UVa). Crosslinguistic influence between Chinese and English in object realization.
Vázquez Tabera, E. 2012. (MA Advanced English Studies: Languages in Contact, UVa). L2 English learners and question formation: what data can tell us about grammatical properties and crosslinguistic influence.
Altelarrea LLorente, M. 2012. (MA Advanced English Studies: Languages in Contact, UVa). The acquisition of Spanish definite articles by English native speakers: gender distribution and use.
Mujcinovic, S. 2012. (MA Advanced English Studies: Languages in Contact, UVa). The analysis of the DP system in the linguistic production of EN/SP L2 bilinguals.
Parrado Román, M.I. 2005. (MA English Language and Translation, UVa). La sintaxis de los sistemas bilingües inglés/español: estudio comparado de la flexión verbal.